Monday 24 September 2012

What is your 'Golden Thread'

I heard this phrase again last week form Ray Pendleton at Thirsty Horses and it really made me think about what my golden thread is.

A golden thread is a term used to describe two elements that are linked in their most direct form.

e.g. Organisational rhetoric into action or people with places.

When you think about your work in L&D what is your Golden thread? How do you ensure that you really are connected in the strongest way possible in your work?

So a couple of questions for you:

1. How clear are you on how your work directly impacts the organisation vision and strategic objectives?
2. How clear are others in this?
3. How well do you challenge your team on their contribution to this?
4. How well do you explore with stakeholders how you can maximise value beyond simple actions?
5. How well do you use the process of learning as well as content to embed these underlying principles?

But more importantly are you passionate about it? Remember you wouldn't say "Will you marry me, you're interesting?" No of course you wouldn't (Larry Smith at TED speaking about why you will fail to get a great career.
So Q6 is...

6. If the golden thread is the direct link, the link where you know you are making a massive difference, how will you get juiced, really juiced about it so you can create the highest expression of your talents.

Friday 14 September 2012

The Secret to self discipline

There are so many ideas and opinions out there, our aim, as always is to help you become more resourceful by bringing you the most current thinking and practical ideas.

I found this wonderful manifesto today that I wanted to share from 

By Rory Vaden it will provide you with some interesting food for thought about how you spend your time.

This is the introduction...

“Today’s work environment has been dubbed everything from the Age of Distraction and the Age of Inattention to The Multitasking Generation. The bottom line is this: regardless of your job title, we are all trying to accomplish increasingly more with increasingly less resources—whether those resources are money, time, focus, or energy. How can we achieve success—however you define it—given these constraints?
I study successful people for a living, and I believe the answer can be boiled down to one word: self-discipline.
It’s not a breakthrough idea, and it’s certainly not popular. But it’s an old-school way of thinking that has unfortunately fallen out of vogue—and one that can yield measurable results when applied to the challenges of working in modern business.”

Remember change one thing!

The old proverb says "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step"

Thursday 13 September 2012

High energy!

Getting high and resourceful is a key factor in becoming a Learning Entrepreneur -without energy and focus you will wilt and feel drained. In today's economy where you are expected to do more with less getting into peak state will support you and enhance your performance.

Tony Robbins suggests the hour of power in the morning and if you really don't have an hour 30 minutes to thrive.

In this Fast Company article you will find "What successful people do with their first hour of each day"
Read it and get resourceful!

There are plenty of additional ideas on our site just type in state management and feel your energy build

Friday 7 September 2012

State of the Economy - hear it as it is!

For fans of John Philpott the ex CIPD Economist you may be delighted (as we are) that he has set up his own blog spot. John made many appearances on BBC News commenting on the economy and impact of Government policies and didn't pull punches.

If you want to take a look at his blog it is  John Philpott - The Jobs Economist

Thursday 6 September 2012

Creating a longing to learn

Saw this great little video on YouTube and was inspired by it. If you are a parent struggling to know if you should protect your child or let them take risks and explore then this is the video for you. In just a under 5 minutes you can discover the joy of creating a longing to learning in children and adolescents!