Tuesday 5 June 2012

Long Weekend Over - Happy Face or Sad Face?

It has been a great weekend!

You have partied with friends, eaten lots, drunk a few glasses of your favourite tipple and lounged in umpteen different positions across your sofa.

You are chilled, jammed, relaxed or however you care to express it, amazingly happy. Then you remember you are back to work tomorrow and you look at the clock. Tick, tock, tick, tock... your last remaining leisure time is being eaten away, the second hand in perpetual motion towards the working day. How do you feel?

If you are excited and energised then brilliant, you are clearly geared up to use your replenished energy to make great things happen over the coming days. A quick check on what your priorities are will ensure you don't get distracted by those inbox time stealers. Write down three things that are a priority now so you are focussed when you open that inbox.

If you have a feeling of gloom and despondency, you are not alone! Lots of us feel a sense of foreboding after a break from work. However, often it is not as bad as we imagine. Make a quick list of what is worrying you now, then put an action against each to help you deal with that worry. Remember, having a break from work gives us three important tools in our toolbox:

  1. Time to re-energise. When we are tired we don't think straight, when we relax it is amazing the resources we find we have inside ourselves.
  2. Space to get a sense of perspective on things. After a few days away from problems the emotions have settled down and work takes its place in the grand scheme of our lives rather than being centre stage.
  3. Time for your subconscious to tackle those problems you thought you didn't know how to deal with. This is the crucial and wonderful magic of the human mind. Stopping distracting activity and letting your mind wander does lead to magnificent solutions and ideas.

Trust in your own unique ability to resolve problems and smile your way to success!

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