Monday 24 September 2012

What is your 'Golden Thread'

I heard this phrase again last week form Ray Pendleton at Thirsty Horses and it really made me think about what my golden thread is.

A golden thread is a term used to describe two elements that are linked in their most direct form.

e.g. Organisational rhetoric into action or people with places.

When you think about your work in L&D what is your Golden thread? How do you ensure that you really are connected in the strongest way possible in your work?

So a couple of questions for you:

1. How clear are you on how your work directly impacts the organisation vision and strategic objectives?
2. How clear are others in this?
3. How well do you challenge your team on their contribution to this?
4. How well do you explore with stakeholders how you can maximise value beyond simple actions?
5. How well do you use the process of learning as well as content to embed these underlying principles?

But more importantly are you passionate about it? Remember you wouldn't say "Will you marry me, you're interesting?" No of course you wouldn't (Larry Smith at TED speaking about why you will fail to get a great career.
So Q6 is...

6. If the golden thread is the direct link, the link where you know you are making a massive difference, how will you get juiced, really juiced about it so you can create the highest expression of your talents.

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