Friday 25 May 2012

The Joys of Connected Networking

My name is Una McGarvie, I am an introvert.....

There I have said it and made it public. I enjoy my own company, I don't particularly enjoy small talk and I can't remember the last party I went to although I am sure I didn't enjoy it. In fact I hacked a few friends off on my last milestone birthday as they wanted 'a bit of a do', I declined and instead took myself off for a frothy coffee, cup cake and to read my Kindle in peace.

This is what we introverts are like, we are not anti social we are just discerning about what we class as social; a meaningful chat with a couple of people is great, unfocussed chatter with a crowd of people is not so great. However I am also aware that to learn is to step outside your comfort zone so last night I hosted my third networking event, and though I say so myself it was great.

So how come I who put the I in Introvert, hosted and enjoyed a networking event?

Well the truth is I focussed on one of our key dimensions of being a Learning Entrepreneur, which is to have connected conversations. This short video extract provides a snippet from a recent webinar we ran at ConnectedDots on connected conversations. By using networking opportunities to find out what others need help with, what challenges they face and then use your own knowledge and experience to signpost them to solutions suddenly the conversation has focus and really contributes to building meaningful relationships.

If you are a nervous networker then our article on the power of networking may also be of value to you, you will need to log on to the website to view it. If you are not yet a member of our website you can register on the site for our free 7 day trial and view the article and a plethora of other fantastic resources in full. 

Now I am off for a cup of myself - one can over network you know!

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