Monday, 26 November 2012

Building your learning brand

When you think of any of the top brands what do you think of? Exactly what they want you to think is the quick answer.

When you think of the learning you provide - what do you think people will say about it? Building a brand for your learning is as vital in L&D as it is for any business. It will help you defend budget, build a following and inform strategy.  As such you will enjoy this short video of Richard Branson being interviewed to help you on your way to sharing your passion for learning with those around you.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Just ask

I was reminded of a story about the power of asking the other day when I was at Euston station. Toilet costs are 30p and the change machine as you approach the turnstile was out of order. Chaos reigned as people stood blocking the turnstile as they looked around for help. Others put 50p in and in one instance £1 -all to spend a penny!

There were infact 2 working change machines maybe 5 steps away but they were blocked from view.

So my message for you is when there are times that you feel out of control, unable to take action - help might just be around the corner if you open your mind to the possibility and ask!

Have a fun day!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Do one thing

Following on from my diary discovery last week I have made a commitment to action. I refuse to get sucked into trivia and commit to taking a more positive approach to all areas of my life. As such I wanted to share these 3 sites with you to hopefully help you ponder on what you can do too.

Do one thing - reminds you that you are simply a speck of sand on this planet of ours yet your actions matter.

A recent discovery that helps remind me we are all connected human beings not just work or home  makoodle

And this has been a favourite of mine for many years now - We are what we do!

I hope they spur you on to your own actions as much as they have me - happy activity!

Monday, 12 November 2012

Curb your perfectionist streak

As well as my day job, I am also a Town Councillor and last night the Town council put on a big firework display. There were thousands more people than we expected which caused momentary friction that was dispelled immediately the show began - it was spectacular.

As people were leaving I stood on the gate saying good night and thank you. Everyone had big smiles on their faces and thanked us for such a wonderful show. After the last stragglers had left I spoke to  the people invovled in the show. They were feeling really deflated and frustrated and this carried on overnight until this morning. Their perfectionist streaks took hold and they analysed every little detail leading them to the opinion that they had failed.

Granted, yes we could have done better. But you have a choice to let this weigh you down or learn from it. They were choosing to let it weigh them down until I repeated some of the comments we had as people left.


So, when you put on a show (this could be training) you put your heart and soul into it. You plan it and know it by heart. You see all the little flaws because you are so close to it. But those on the receiving end don't see this - they only have an experience and if that is experience is good enough for them; then its good enough.

Use this knowledge to spur you on to better things next time, not to get caught in a loop of analysis that builds self-criticism and frustration.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?

I loved this short blog from Richard Branson - take a look here

Something that popped up for me is that Entrepreneurs want to make a difference to people - so reflect on your week and ask yourself three questions:
  1. What have you done this week that really makes a difference?
  2. What else could you have stretched to where you missed an opportunity?
  3. What 3 things will you do next week to make that difference?