Tuesday 23 October 2012

Can Business Nouse be taught?

Is having a ‘head for business’ instinctive, or can business savvy be taught?

In 1996 Michelle Mone started up her designer lingerie company, MJM International. Today her business is thought to be worth £50 million. Carol Savage has headed up marketing for leading brands such as Sara Lee and Disney. They tell Jenni Murray what they think on Woman's Hour. You can access it via this QR code.

They talk about the key being about determination, having a fire in your belly - your attitude sees you achieve.

Jenni compares two incredible business women. Michelle Mone who grew up with Richard Branson pinned on her wall instead of pop stars.  And Carol Savage who decided to study an MBA whilst pregnant and stumbled upon a great idea for business.

Their 3 key pieces of advice are:
  1. Be prepared to build relationships that enable you to rely on people who have great skills e.g. in L&D build your relationships with marketing or finance so that you really do get to know the business inside out.
  2. Challenge people strongly and positively to hone your understanding
  3. Seek out ways to learn continuously.

So, yes the practicalities of reading balance sheets and understanding the theory can be taught but business nouse really comes from continuously challenging yourself, your understanding and the understanding of those around you.

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