Wednesday 6 June 2012

How celebratory do you feel?

Following the celebrations of the weekend it made me think about how much as L&D Practitioners do we really celebrate the achievements of those who are learning? We know instinctively the connection between success and motivation so here's some quick ideas for helping others feel great about what they are doing.

1. Set high expectations at the start of learning
Explain expectations and support those who are keen to stretch themselves to excel. Acknowledge their achievements at the end with a small reward - a certificate or a kind acknowledgement from you and their manager.. or something more if funds allow.

2. Acknowledge individuals
Everyone has strengths, seek out these strengths whilst you work with them and give each person learning a personal message ... it can be on a post it or a certificate or an email the following day in which you thank them for their work and acknowledge one thing that the individual brought to the session, no matter how challenging they were.... that in itself can be a positive

3. Encourage positive feedback
At key stages in a session encourage individuals to share one thing they have gained value from so far on which you can build

4. Ask for peer feedback
Get individual learners to pick a name out of a hat at the start of a session and during the event they have to find something positive to say about the person at the end,. if you think this is too high risk, then ask them to write it down and put it in an envelope for the individuals to open once they have left.

5. Explain why something matters
When they have completed a section of learning remind them about the difference, working positively in this area can have on them, their customers and the organisation, By doing this you set a powerful purpose for stretching them

We are often so busy just trying to get through 'stuff' we don;t focus on the value of celebration - try some of these ideas and enjoy the benefits you and your learners will experience.

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