Friday 1 June 2012

Why put up with it?

It was a real lesson this week as I upgraded from my very, very, very old laptop to a brand new desktop. quadrupling the processor and hitting a terabyte of storage. 

OMG I didn't know how bad things were till I discovered how amazingly good they are now.

Suddenly I have internet connection as soon as the thing is switched on (no longer am I doing a ritual of disconnect/connect several times to jump start the wireless recognition).

When I type words they now appear on the screen immediately, not umpteen seconds later. The cursor no longer disappears into a black hole and that darn virus software no longer kills all activity whilst it downloads its updates. Then there is the editing software which when it ran before used 100% of the processor and still crashed due to insufficient resources, now it slickly starts up within seconds and runs like a dream.

So how had I let things get so bad? When things get worse and worse over a gradual period of time it is very easy to get used to it being rubbish and only focussing on the latest thing to bug you. We can easily get desensitised to things which are not making us happy or are draining us. So here is my Friday gift to you. Use this weekend to look at your life through someone else's eyes. If someone else walked in your shoes what would they observe, what would they think and ultimately what are you settling for that you could change AND it would give you an OMG moment!! Food for thought eh!

Happy Jubilee Celebrations to all from ConnectingDots!

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