Friday 18 January 2013

Can CIPD engage with SME's?

I attended a really interesting talk last night by Peter Cheese the Chief Executive for CIPD. It was arranged by CIPD's North London branch - thanks folks! Now the little amusing aside was that ITV were doing a recording with pop bands 911, Bewitched and Five in the hotel bar. I did offer to do my Madness Dance to add a bit of 'light entertainment' to their documentary but strangely enough they declined my offer. 

Back to Peter. He gave an interesting perspective on why there had 'never been a more important or interesting time' to be in HR. For example, organisations such as banks are taking the need for culture change deadly seriously and HR is the profession that should understand this stuff.

He concluded this country has lost sight of the value of vocational education with the push to put 50% of young people through Universities which wasn't meeting their needs or those of employers. He outlined CIPD's strength in evidence based research and it's connection with the business community.However, as he pointed out, two thirds of employment in this country comes from small and medium sized businesses.

I put the challenge to him that having moved from a large organisation of thousands of people to being a small business with employees we can count on one hand, the relevance of CIPD has significantly reduced.  He acknowledged this and that CIPD needed to do more. The question though is what will CIPD do. Peter talked the talk around being committed to making changes to support SME's, let's watch and see what happens! But Mr Cheese if you need someone to act as a Jiminy Cricket you have a volunteer here. Albeit I may do the odd Madness dance!!


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