Wednesday 30 January 2013

Learning Technologies and Skills 2013

It was the Learning Technologies and Learning and Skills exhibition  at London's Olympia 2 this week. Sadly I was only able to make the last 2.5 hrs. As I fled through the doors, coat tails flying and ipod dislodging from my ears, I grabbed my conference mag, scanned my bar code and headed for the nearest source of caffeine. There I sussed out the floor layout and tried to identify who to see.

I had more than a slight niggle as there was no useful matrix to show me which suppliers did what. I wanted to look at providers of LMS's but had to resort to whizzing around the whole conference to see if I could spot what people did by looking at their stand material. Not good when you only have 2.5 hrs!!

I did have a couple of really great conversations and was able to pick the brains of someone who attended both days (thanks Owen at Goodpractice), which helped me focus some of my thoughts. I came away with 2 possible leads to follow up on LMS's, a free access to an LMS from a great little company called Udutu, a steer on how to resolve an e-learning design problem (thanks Tom at Articulate) and a good source of some research. All good.

What I did notice was that the Learning and Skills element which used to be far bigger than the Technologies bit is now far smaller. What does that tell us about where learning is going!!

A great use of an afternoon for me but ooooohh tooo short!


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