Tuesday 29 May 2012

Is Your Talent Management Strategy Ailing?

So today the BBC publishes its latest research showing that women hold fewer than a third of the most senior positions in the UK, with the figure plummeting to a fifth in politics and lower in the top 100 companies. What is going wrong?

In the CIPD Annual Learning and Talent Management Survey  L&D professionals are asked 'What will be the focus of leadership development activities in the next 12 months?'

The top 3 answers were:
  • Improving the skills of leaders to think more strategically
  • Developing high potential individuals
  • Producing a common standard of behaviour
However, lagging behind at 4th down the list was: 

'Enabling achievement of the organisations strategic goals'

Now surely this is the whole point of developing talent? If we don't achieve our  strategic objectives the rest of these aims are irrelevant. This trend to de-prioritise business success is common in previous years talent surveys too. Perhaps we should be asking ourselves, are our organisation's talent management strategies focussing on taking the business forward or hung up on developing specific groups of individuals with no overall strategic aim in mind. Arguably the current focus is the wrong way around and as the BBC has found, current approaches are patently not working either.

If you think your talent management strategy may be ailing, then you may want to take a look at our article  First Aid for Talent Troubles, you need to be registered on our site to read this, but don't worry, if you are not yet registered you can do so by clicking here and enjoy a 7 day free no obligation trial!

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