Monday 30 July 2012

Is cycling the most collaborative sport?

As I watched the women's cycling event on Sunday and cheered Lizzie Armistead on to her silver medal I sat in awe at how the leading three women, despite being in competition, worked together until the very last 100m.

In pouring rain, they each took turns to lead and take the slip stream, it was a lesson in collaboration and sports-woman-ship.  It made me reflect on some of the programmes I have worked on in the past where each project manager has their own objectives to deliver but ultimately the whole programme team must work collaboratively to make the programme an overall success. So here are three things that the cycling reminded me of:

  • When working collaboratively we all need to take our share of the strain.
  • It is not being at the front that matters but bringing other people with you, eventually you all need each other.
  • Recognition is not just from the ultimate outcome but from how you endured the journey.

Do you have any others to offer?

Finally, what a different race, different approach and different  outcome to the previous days men's cycling event!

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