Friday 6 July 2012

Searching for Socks!!

As you woke up this morning and set about your day, were you searching for your socks or searching for inspiration? If we keep our mind open to new ideas and input   it is surprising where inspiration can come from. Here are some  examples of sources which may encourage you to open your senses and your mind to look for inspiration in the oddest of places!

a) Watch how children interact and talk to each other. What can you draw from that about body language, transactional analysis, communication?

b) Close your eyes in a meeting and just listen to the words and how people are saying things, what different perspective does this give you. Often we are moved by what we see over what we hear.

c) Take a walk and soak up your environment, the colours, the smells, the sounds, the sunshine (or rain!). Let your thoughts tumble freely and relax. See what new thoughts form in your mind.

d) Listen to a talk in a totally different area of expertise to your own. TED Talks are a great place to start, how can you apply what you see and hear to your own area of expertise?

e) Spend some time on social media sites such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit etc and see what ideas are coming up and where they take you, be brave and follow the weird, wacky and off piste stuff!

"Every moment and every event of every mans life on earth plants something in his soul" (Thomas Merton)

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