Tuesday 10 July 2012

Works Well Under Pressure.....

Years in large organisations meant I have been subjected to other people's views of my performance for decades.

Questions were continually asked - did I deliver on time, could I take the pressure, was my thinking analytical, did I work well with others? Over the years several trees and umpteen gallons of ink must have gone into analysing and shaping me into who I am today.

The phrase that often arises on these occasions is 'works well under pressure'. Now anyone who has had that said about them is probably proud and perhaps feels they must be courageous and resilient. What strikes me though is many of us don't work well unless there is pressure! Think about it, when you have no deadlines to meet, no adrenalin coursing through your veins are you really 'on your game'. I suspect the answer is no. In fact I suspect that without the 'fear and panic' factor you join me in a feet up, have a cuppa, relax on the sofa, it can wait kind of approach.

So for all those in the business of designing performance criteria I urge you to change this phrase to a much better one:

Works well even when NOT under pressure!!

Now it must be time for another cuppa.......

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