Thursday 23 August 2012

85% is a really big number

Building on the theme of challenge. This is a wonderful narrative by Margaret Heffernan of the benefits of exploring disconfirmation and constructive conflict. Openness alone isn't enough to create change, she says; constructive conflict challenges assumptions and is a sign of love. If it weren't why would people commit the time and energy required. So rather than seeing conflict as destructive how can organisations embrace it to help them and the people within them flourish?

85% of exectives in recent european surveys say they had issues or concerns that they are afraid to raise. They are afraid of the conflict that would be provoked or the difficult conversations that would ensue. So the staus quo remains. In times of trouble, less people will raise thier head above the parapet to challenge for fear of the loss that might come as a result.

But when we dare to create conflict, dare to be bold we create an environment where others can do their best thinking.

Dare to be bold, be a hero today!

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