Thursday 9 August 2012

Is regret a good thing or a bad thing?

I am sure if we think about it we all have something we regret. Some regrets will be big, some small and some not important in the grand scheme of things but they still niggle at us from time to time. 

I have a niggle from early in my career which was when I completed two thirds of a Dale Carnegie course and then pulled out due to pressure of work. 

These days this is a cardinal sin to me but back then I just felt unable to cope with everything that was happening and took the easy way out and gave up.

Did it matter, in the long run? No. Has it made a difference to my career – I doubt it. Has it affected my personal behaviour – oh yes! These days I never fail to finish anything. So is regret a good thing or a bad thing – well for me it is good and has spurred me on to behave differently and that is what life is about – lessons learned! How have your regrets spurred you on to great things?

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