Friday 1 February 2013

Feed on the Fuel of Joy!!

As the clock passed midnight last night I sat huddled over my laptop, 4th cup of tea turning cold on the table and the murmurs of Meryl Streep on the TV in the background (how old is Silkwood?). Suddenly, I did a double take.Everything clicked into place. The problem I had been poring over in mind and on screen for over a week gave way to my 'eureka!!!' moment. I had found the answer.

I won't go into the boring and seedy depths of the problem but it involved variables, layered operands and multiple scenario's! When I realised I had 'cracked' it I jumped up and felt a surge of joy shoot right through me, which instantly energised me. So much so that it then took me another hour to get to sleep.

So when Milly cat became vocal at 6:30am demanding her breakfast, closely followed by her bro' Alfie, I could have been forgiven for chucking my pillow at the pair of them. But no, still energised on 'joy' I jumped out of bed and saw to their whims and furry demands. Then looking out the window I noticed the rain teeming down but did that put me off my jog? No, still riding on the crest of joy I donned my woolly hat,  jacket, mini ipod and jogged off.

The interesting thing is that each thing I did brought me more joy and energised me more. Is joy the fuel that keeps on giving? So my friend, what will bring you joy today? Can you start a tsunami of joy and feed off that energy to achieve even more fantastic things? Why not give it a go!


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