Tuesday 29 May 2012

Is Your Talent Management Strategy Ailing?

So today the BBC publishes its latest research showing that women hold fewer than a third of the most senior positions in the UK, with the figure plummeting to a fifth in politics and lower in the top 100 companies. What is going wrong?

In the CIPD Annual Learning and Talent Management Survey  L&D professionals are asked 'What will be the focus of leadership development activities in the next 12 months?'

The top 3 answers were:
  • Improving the skills of leaders to think more strategically
  • Developing high potential individuals
  • Producing a common standard of behaviour
However, lagging behind at 4th down the list was: 

'Enabling achievement of the organisations strategic goals'

Now surely this is the whole point of developing talent? If we don't achieve our  strategic objectives the rest of these aims are irrelevant. This trend to de-prioritise business success is common in previous years talent surveys too. Perhaps we should be asking ourselves, are our organisation's talent management strategies focussing on taking the business forward or hung up on developing specific groups of individuals with no overall strategic aim in mind. Arguably the current focus is the wrong way around and as the BBC has found, current approaches are patently not working either.

If you think your talent management strategy may be ailing, then you may want to take a look at our article  First Aid for Talent Troubles, you need to be registered on our site to read this, but don't worry, if you are not yet registered you can do so by clicking here and enjoy a 7 day free no obligation trial!

Friday 25 May 2012

The Joys of Connected Networking

My name is Una McGarvie, I am an introvert.....

There I have said it and made it public. I enjoy my own company, I don't particularly enjoy small talk and I can't remember the last party I went to although I am sure I didn't enjoy it. In fact I hacked a few friends off on my last milestone birthday as they wanted 'a bit of a do', I declined and instead took myself off for a frothy coffee, cup cake and to read my Kindle in peace.

This is what we introverts are like, we are not anti social we are just discerning about what we class as social; a meaningful chat with a couple of people is great, unfocussed chatter with a crowd of people is not so great. However I am also aware that to learn is to step outside your comfort zone so last night I hosted my third networking event, and though I say so myself it was great.

So how come I who put the I in Introvert, hosted and enjoyed a networking event?

Well the truth is I focussed on one of our key dimensions of being a Learning Entrepreneur, which is to have connected conversations. This short video extract provides a snippet from a recent webinar we ran at ConnectedDots on connected conversations. By using networking opportunities to find out what others need help with, what challenges they face and then use your own knowledge and experience to signpost them to solutions suddenly the conversation has focus and really contributes to building meaningful relationships.

If you are a nervous networker then our article on the power of networking may also be of value to you, you will need to log on to the website to view it. If you are not yet a member of our website you can register on the site for our free 7 day trial and view the article and a plethora of other fantastic resources in full. 

Now I am off for a cup of tea...by myself - one can over network you know!

Monday 21 May 2012

Using Turkeys to Sell Christmas

Today we see Waterstones agreeing to stock the Amazon kindle. allowing customers to browse books digitally and take advantage of special in-store discounts. In addition the adoption of coffee shops and dedicated digital areas are aimed at transforming the book buyers experience! Bring it on I say as long as the coffee is good!!

You have to ask, is this bravery or madness? As one news report put it, 'it's like using turkeys to promote Christmas'! 

Waterstones Managing Director James Daunt is quoted as saying 'the best digital readers...will be married to the singular pleasures of browsing a curated bookshop'. He is clearly bravely embracing the digital future! 

Which begs the question, when did you last do something really innovative, courageous and to the average onlooker could be construed as really wacky? 

If you want to get your creative juices going take a look at our article research at a glance on innovation! 

Friday 18 May 2012

How Well Are You Connecting With Your World?

Oh boy! This week has really brought the enormity of the impact of social media to the fore for me. As I prepared for this weeks webinar 'Connecting with your World'.  I decided to see what the latest stats on social media are. Wow it's scary!!

See if you splutter your cappuccino when you read these, I did...

  • The world population is 7 billion
well ok....
  • but it has doubled in just the last 50 years
or put simply we have had more population growth in the last 50 years than the last 2 million years!!

Here are some more.....we send

90 TRILLION emails a year
8 billion texts a day
340 million tweets a day

There are 150 million LinkedIn users
845 million active Facebook users


YouTube has 3 billion views per day with 48 hours of video are loaded every minute

Which now begs the question..... how do we find time for everything else in our life?

Here is your challenge. Can you switch off all access to your emails and social media for 24 hours. Let me know if you manage it.

If you want to see what other webinars are in the pipeline click here!

Friday 11 May 2012

The 10/10 test

If your work was 10/10 what would it look like, feel like and sound like?

When planning something new alwasy do the 10/10 test to ensure that you focus on what can actually be achieved and don't settle for second best.

  1. When you have a conversation with someone, test a new solution, meet a new supplier - anything that is new conduct the 10/10 test and ask yourself:
  2. What score out of 10 would I give it? (e.g the strength of the developing relationship, the outcomes of the solution etc)
  3. What makes it that score?
  4. What would I have to do to move it up one point on the scale?
  5. What about to 10/10?

Then all you have to do is take action.

Are you on Purpose?

I love this little story by Charles Shultz the creator of the Peanuts comic strip. 

Have a quick read and think about it as you go about your business this afternoon thinking, what do I need to do to show that I am really connecting and caring about people today.

He asks you to consider the following questions:
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 
2. Name the last five Wimbledon men’s champions. 
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America. 
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. 
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress. 
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's the second stage of the quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school. 
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time. 
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile. 
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special. 
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care.
Do you care enough to target your energy focus and commitment to make a difference to people within your organisation?

Thursday 10 May 2012

The four minute mile

In the year after Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile, the record was broken again and again. Once people realized it could be done, it wasn't an impossible task any longer.

Now is the time for change in Learning and Development, don't continue with the status quo just because it's too difficult to change - anything is possible when you put your mind to it.

Think about what you would you do if you thought it possible, think it possible and then change.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

What's your purpose for people?

Everything feeds into this - if you don't have policies that direct people to do what you need them to do then how can expect them to do it?

Organisation's have policies on IT, Procurement, Finance,Sales and Service but in each of these do you relate it to the way you want people to act when applying this policy? Generally these rule sare based around compliance - what you can't do - what about how you can excel?

A People Strategy is not enough, values statements don't do it. Everything in your organisation must be connected through people - its the only way you can ensure clarity.

Take a look and give the 10/10 test!

Information is food

A must watch video - Analogy of information and food that makes you stop and think.

Great lessons for us in L&D - what does it mean for you?