Friday 11 May 2012

The 10/10 test

If your work was 10/10 what would it look like, feel like and sound like?

When planning something new alwasy do the 10/10 test to ensure that you focus on what can actually be achieved and don't settle for second best.

  1. When you have a conversation with someone, test a new solution, meet a new supplier - anything that is new conduct the 10/10 test and ask yourself:
  2. What score out of 10 would I give it? (e.g the strength of the developing relationship, the outcomes of the solution etc)
  3. What makes it that score?
  4. What would I have to do to move it up one point on the scale?
  5. What about to 10/10?

Then all you have to do is take action.

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