Friday 8 February 2013

Trust Your Gut

I have this game with my cat Milly. Each mealtime I hold up two different flavoured pouches of kitty food and let her decide which one she wants. She chooses (decisively if I might say so), by rubbing her whiskers across the selected pouch. If only all choices were so easy!!

From Government choices on increase spending vs imposed austerity to Milly and her food pouch, we are all faced with choices. So how do we know we have made the right choice?

Experience tells me that it is often not down to the facts, figures and feedback although they surely help. However, often these don't materialise till after the event, so how do you know in the moment? Sometimes it is just down to 'gut feel'.

So what is 'gut feel'? 
For me, a gut feel that something is wrong is summed up by uneasiness  a cold feeling coming over me, a lump in my throat, a niggle that won't stay quiet in my brain, a hesitation or a sleepless night.
A gut feel that something is right materialises as a lightness as though something has dropped off my shoulders, a surge of energy, a sense of achievement, a pride and a willingness or desire to tell someone.

Do you listen to your gut often enough?


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